The C.C. Mason Elementary PTO is organized to support and benefit the education of students at C.C. Mason Elementary. Members of the PTO work to make Mason the best it can be.

PTO organizes fundraising efforts and works to improve our students' educational experience through specific initiatives:

What does PTO Do?


supporting students

Mason PTO organizes out-of-school educational experiences with the goal of limiting the out of pocket expense for families. Utilizing funds raised through PTO dues and fundraisers, we organize several themed nights for the entire family while providing students with an educational experience outside of the classroom - like Field Trips, Literacy Week, Science Night, Watch D.O.G.S, classroom enrichment supplies, school family dance, and Raz Kids and Scholastic Weekly subscriptions.

community building

Our goal is to create opportunities where parents and students can get to know other parents and students in a fun social environment, fostering a feeling of friendship within our school community. Mason PTO engages families in events and programs that build a strong sense of community and develops mutual respect and positive relationships.


Mason would not be the great school that it is without our volunteers and their countless hours of service to our students. Volunteering at your child’s campus may be one of the most important, life-altering things you can ever do for your child. Our mission is to bridge the gap between parents and educators as we seek to model principals and values by giving our time and individual talents to CC Mason students and families.


PTO vs. Pta

A PTO is a local, independent parent group - in other words, any non-PTA group. There is no “national PTO” umbrella organization for independent parent groups. Dues, insurance, nonprofit status, and more—get the scoop on how PTAs and independent PTOs handle these areas.

teacher appreciation

Perpetually hard-working and perennially underappreciated, teachers shape our future by molding our children's minds and hearts. But teaching is a tough job and that's why it's important that we take proper time to recognize and thank them. We say 'thank you' throughout the year to the extraordinary educators who work tirelessly with students and families to keep things moving forward.

classroom/Campus ENRICHMENT

First and foremost we are here to enhance the education of the students of C.C. Mason. Each year, the PTO provides enrichment funds to help cover costs of supplies and resources for the administration, grade level teachers, and special programs. In addition, we fund the leveled library which teachers use for one-on-one reading instructions and reading groups. Our current campus project is our Courtyard Improvement Project. We have completed Phase 1 and have been approved to begin work on Phase 2! This space will be an outdoor classroom area for teachers to utilize as well as a space for picnic lunches, etc.


Who is the cc mason pto??

PTO President, nicole goddard

Vice president, Kara Graff

treasurer, Joye Hooper


secretary, Marilyn Yu

Fundraising, Stacey Lytle

family nights, Casey donovan

membership, liz dolan

volunteer coordinator, Leah ferguson

communications, cara owen


5th grade liaison, jill calcote

watch D.O.g.s., chris bilich

room reps, heather nelson

brown bags, brandi rogers